Those we wish to thank for getting us up and running so effectively !
- Firstly, our marvellous neighbours for their help, good wishes and kind messages of support; and our families & friends for your great encouragement.
- Next, fellow-motorhome parking owners & experts whose mentoring has been of trojan assistance.
- The wonderful Pat Wade Plant Hire, Bannow
- Martin & Nicholas Kehoe Concrete Works & Plant Hire, Saltmills – our backbone!
- Ciaran, Lee & Thomas at Thomas McGrath Electrical, Ramsgrange
- David Clifford
- Browne Fire Protection, Killinick
- Kieran Daly Web Design, Wexford town
- Practical Printers, Wexford town
- Wexford Enterprise Board
- FBD Insurance
Anybody else we’ve unintentionally not listed here – we are so grateful for your support and encouragement. And it is our sincere hope that the huge direct or indirect benefit to all in the locality from this farm diversification venture will benefit everyone !